Career and Work Study Tips

Jump Start Your Career With Credentials

A new online employability program has been launched by Study Australia which is specifically designed to help students and alumni to navigate the jobs market in Australia and around the world. 

The Work Readiness Program micro-credential is free for anyone who is currently studying or considering studying in Australia. The units can be completed at your own pace on your preferred device. 

Register for the Study Australia Work Readiness program here.  

All Griffith University students have access to a collection of micro-credentials which can be awarded during their studies, for activities such as completing short courses, receiving awards and completing extra-curricular programs. 

To help showcase your accomplishments, Griffith provides you with a digital version of your qualifications and capabilities, known as a ‘badge’. Badges can be displayed and shared online on platforms like LinkedIn. 

The Griffith Mates Program badge is a great example of a beneficial credential for international students, highlighting high level leadership and professional skills through assisting in the delivery of student-led activities. 

Griffith Mates is a vibrant team of current Australian and international students from across the world, who welcome new international students to their on-campus and online studies. 

Master of Marketing student Severino Murze performed over 110 hours of volunteer and paid work during his time as a Griffith Mate. 

 “I was a Griffith Mate for 2 years and honestly, it was the best experience of my life. Meeting new people, engaging in the community and assisting with events across the campus gave me more confidence towards doing things in life,” he says. 

“I had an opportunity to organise events as an Event Manager, lead study tours across campus as a Campus Tour Guide, assist in the orientation week as an O-Week Leader, and lastly to mentor international students as a Senior Buddy.” 

“The leadership program through Griffith University helped shape my career; especially with Griffith Mates where I was able to gain valuable experience, embrace diversity and build networks”, says Severino. 

Learn more about Griffith Credentials here. 


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