Humans of Griffith

Yash Sharma


Introducing Yash

Born and raised in Kenya with family roots in India,?Yash is a third-year Bachelor of Commerce student majoring in Finance and Economics at ?Griffith?University’s Nathan campus.

He is an active member of the Griffith Business School Student Leadership Program and the?Griffith?Mates?, as well as his roles as Corporate Director with the Academic Excellence Society, and a peer-to-peer Student Ambassador.

Yash enjoys playing football and embarking on adventures that help him to explore and grow. 

The three things Yash is most passionate about are travelling around the world and exploring cultures, giving back to the community through his career and voluntary work, and building a career and life that would make his family proud of him.

Read his story below.



What is your favourite quote and why?

I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve left them.’’ – by Andy Bernard.

This is my favourite quote because it makes me realise how quickly time flies, both bad and good, and we often forget to appreciate and enjoy the good days because we keep hoping for better days.  


What made you want to study abroad?  

While considering whether to study in my home country or abroad, my biggest decision-making factor was the exposure that I would receive. I decided to study abroad because it meant stepping out of my comfort zone, exposing myself to a different environment, culture, and experience.  

Studying abroad would also mean being independent and building skills that would help me develop life skills. Being an introvert in nature, this was very important for both my personal and career development.  


Why did you choose Griffith University?  

The Griffith Business School is known for the caliber of professors and lecturers, as well as the network of recruiters and partnerships with reputable businesses and organisations. 

In addition, Griffith has a very impressive list of alumni with the opportunity to engage in societies, organisations and clubs that provide a holistic experience.  

Some of my friends were already enrolled in this university and their experience encouraged me to consider Griffith, as it was the perfect combination of exposure and affordability.  


What do you love most about your life in Queensland?  

Queensland is the perfect combination of city and quiet life. I love that I live a very independent life in Queensland and have grown as a person by moving out of my comfort zone. I have found a place that I can call home after Nairobi, Kenya. I also love the friends I have made and the relationships I have built, as the people of Queensland are very warm and welcoming.  


What was your biggest fear of starting your student journey abroad?  

Being an introvert, my biggest fear was my inability to venture out and make new friends or talk to strangers and build a connection.  


How did you overcome your fear?  

I joined the Griffith Mates, Academic Excellence Society and Griffith Business School Student Leadership Program. The various events, trivia, activities, and camps organised by these groups helped me make new friends, build networks, and encouraged me to be more outspoken. I even hosted the GBSSLP graduation ceremony, facilitated a round table discussion and mentored students.  

I also began to explore my surroundings more and became more confident about the person I am with each experience.  


What have you found to be the biggest differences between your home country and Australia? 

My home country is Kenya, known for its wildlife safaris and rich history. It is a developing country that is striving towards growth. The biggest differences between Kenya and Australia are the fact that Australia is much more organised and structured, has more access to some of the most popular and successful companies in the world and is a hub for international students. Kenya on the other hand is in a growth phase and is filled with opportunities that need to be explored and built.  

Other than the above, Nairobi is blessed with the most pleasant weather I have ever experienced! 


What is the best advice you have ever been given?

The best advice I have been given is to never stop learning. My father gave me this advice and has always insisted that there is no age to stop learning, and no matter how much you learn and explore, there will still be an enormous amount of knowledge that you will have ahead of you. This has helped me not to give up when faced with tough circumstances and to draw some form of lesson or learning from each experience.  


Who in your life has had the most influence on your career and life choices and why? 

My elder sister has been the biggest influence on my career and life choices. She has always been very hardworking and independent, and her pursuit has pushed me to give everything my best shot. She is also the person who convinced me to study in Australia and step out of my comfort zone. She currently works for a Private Equity firm and her experience and exposure in the space has motivated me to consider venturing into the sector.  


What has been a key moment in your life as an international student? 

The key moment in my life as an international student has been the moment I won an Award for Academic Excellence from Griffith University in November 2020. Being an international student means having to balance studies with various other aspects, such as being independent and self- sufficient while working on other voluntary roles in societies such as the Griffith Mates and GBSSLP.

Achieving the award was a proud moment for me and my family, as I had proven my ability to venture out and succeed independently.  


What has been your overall experience studying at Griffith as an international student?  

My overall experience has been very insightful and exciting. I have had the opportunity of interacting with experienced and knowledgeable lecturers as well as learning from my mentors. They have shared immense guidance and support through my journey as an international student. My active engagement in Griffith Mates and GBSSLP has helped me grow as a person and built my personal and professional skills.  

Griffith has provided me with unlimited opportunities to explore myself and definitely played a vital role in my growth.  


Do you attend any volunteer work or extra-curricular activities?

I engage in a lot of volunteering work through my active participation in student-led organisations such as the?Academic Excellence Society, Griffith?Mates?and?Griffith?Business School Student Leadership Program (GBSSLP). These organisations support fellow students and work towards building an inclusive, comfortable, and productive environment for them.

Being an international student, my reason for joining these organisations was to establish a route to creating a network of fellow students, and building a comfortable environment that I was lucky enough to witness when I joined Griffith. It is an appreciation for the team that helped my journey in my initial days.  

I am also a Student Ambassador and have received the recognition of being a popular ambassador for 7 months in a row. Lastly, I was also employed in one of the charity retail stores run by Red Cross for a period of four months, and it was a very good learning experience.  

I enjoy creating an environment for students to help them be more comfortable within the Griffith community. It is fulfilling to work in a team that is a resource for students who need our support, but also a communication mode that brings all students together.  

The camps, trivia, activities and friendships are an added bonus! 

Where can we find you at the weekends? 

You can find me playing a passionate game of football at the university pitch, grabbing a meal with friends at a fast-food restaurant, catching a game of mini-golf, or heading off to explore the nearby natural environment such as the Tingalpa Creek or Moreton Island. I enjoy spending time with friends and exploring hidden spots in Queensland.  

On some weekends, I can be found at a Griffith Business School Student Leadership Program camp. I have been to the camp twice, once as a regular member and once as a mentor. It has been one of my most favourite ways to spend the weekend.  


What are your dreams after graduating?

I aspire to work in the finance industry, specifically the mergers and acquisition sector, in an advisory or investment role. I have always been passionate about helping entrepreneurs and businesses achieve their true potential, and therefore I am excited to work in a space that is dynamic in nature, gives me the opportunity to network with individuals from diverse backgrounds and helps me build the skills and knowledge attained at the university. 

Follow Yash’s journey on Instagram or connect with his on LinkedIn






At Griffith University, we celebrate diversity and difference. Our community is made up of students from around the globe, all with a unique story to tell.

In this Humans of Griffith series, a selection of our international students have chosen to share their experiences, unedited in their own words – from the challenges of studying abroad to building community and independence, and their dreams after graduation and beyond. 

No matter who you are, or where you are in the world, whatever your study journey, Griffith University is with you all the way. Find out more at

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View more Humans of Griffith student stories here.


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