Introducing Maleeha
Originally from Pune City in India, Maleeha started her international student journey at Griffith University back in 2019. She is currently pursuing a double degree in Bachelor of Information Technology and Business at the Gold Coast campus, and will graduate at the end of 2022.
Maleeha says she is a responsible and hardworking individual (and we couldn’t agree more, after getting to know her and following her student journey). She always has a problem-solving attitude in whatever situation she encounters, and is always up for a chat or a coffee, but usually both of them go hand in hand.
Maleeha says she feels blessed to be surrounded by the right people, opportunities and direction at Griffith University. Her resilient, energetic and sociable ENFJ-A type personality makes her a desirable team player, and her sales, marketing and customer service experience compliment her academic achievements in the fields of Information Technology and Management – where she dreams of working in the cyberspace industry.
Maleeha’s favourite quote is; “Good things happen to good people.”
We asked Maleeha a few questions about her study abroad journey, her fears, her experience at Griffith and her dreams after graduation.
Find her answers below!
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I was always thrilled at the idea of living independently and pursuing a career where better opportunities are possible.