Uni Life

My life as a Griffith University student

We love hearing the stories of international students who have embraced student life at Griffith University, and today we’re excited to introduce you to Tamana Mittal. Tamana is a Master of Business student on the Gold Coast, as well as a dedicated student volunteer and executive board member of the Student Guild. She is passionate about active student participation and believes in its positive impact on the university community.

Originally from New Delhi, India, Tamana moved to Australia to get a high-quality education and a supportive environment. After completing a Bachelor of Business Administration in India and working as a customer success executive, she chose to further her expertise with a postgraduate degree in marketing. Tamana’s involvement in university events, volunteering, and mentoring has enriched her student experience and helped her connect with peers. She is committed to empowering student voices, fostering an inclusive campus, and advocating for students’ needs.

In this Q&A, Tamana shares her vision, experiences, and the values that drive her commitment to student engagement.

Hi Tamana! Where are you from originally, and why did you move to Australia to study?

I am originally from India; my hometown is New Delhi (the capital city of India), but I was lucky to spend my childhood in Chandigarh (a union territory that serves as the capital of the states of Punjab and Haryana). It taught me to always look for the silver lining and find pleasure in simple things.

Australia is known for its high-quality education where the degree attained is globally recognised. The ability to work casually while studying gave me confidence as I would not be dependent while pursuing my dreams.

I was also in awe of the natural beauty Australia has to offer. The thought of being in Australia comforted me as it’s known for prioritising mental health and providing support to students through mentoring and guidance.

The number of opportunities and reading about student success stories made me choose Australia as my destination to study, thrive and grow.

What are you studying, and how did you choose that study area?

In 2018, I completed Bachelor of Business Administration from GD Goenka University, Gurugram, India. Right after, I started working with a start-up as a customer success executive. After being in the industry for roughly three years, I realised it was time to add specialised expertise to my profile. Hence, I chose to pursue a Master of Business (Marketing major).

While working, I paid close attention to the changing dynamics of various businesses and my strengths. People were scaling up, and technology was evolving rapidly, and I wondered how I could make a difference.

I wanted to challenge myself, find opportunities for growth, and expand my horizons in the field of marketing, so I decided to choose this degree and move to Australia.

The increasing demand for marketing professionals in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) was also one of the reasons I wanted to gain knowledge in this space. Goods and services are always in the market but without someone going an extra mile with it, generating revenue and creating value is not possible.

The core courses offered in this degree aligned with my interests; these included Advanced Consumer Behaviour, Integrated Marketing Communication, Strategic Marketing and Market Research.

The versatility of the degree also helped me choose this study area, as marketing skills are transferable across various industries, opening diverse career paths and allowing me to switch sectors easily.

Why did you choose Griffith?

I was certain about choosing Griffith University. As an international student, I had a few criteria for a university: good rankings, scope of the degree, employment opportunities, availability of support services, and return on investment.

Griffith University immediately provided heaps of resources that acted as a green flag, eventually resulting in me going further with my application.

Fast-forward to today and I am satisfied with my decision and constantly trying to make the most of my time at Griffith University.

What’s your student experience like at Griffith? How have you connected with other students?

It was initially daunting, as everything was new. However, I enhanced my experience by taking the initiative to turn up for events hosted by the Student Guild and Griffith University on campus. This not only allowed me to meet peers but also gave me direction for my career ambitions.

Giving back to my community has always been ingrained in me, so being surrounded by a university community that celebrated its members brought me happiness.

Last year, I started researching potential roles in the university where I could help, and uplift other students like me. I backed myself with strong involvement in the community and amazing mentors.

I can proudly say that I have connected with many students both domestic and international. This was only possible due to volunteering, being active at university and my role as a mentor with Griffith University. My mantra has been to ensure that each student studying at Griffith should feel welcome and supported throughout their student life. I have so many stories to tell where students can relate and take necessary steps for their personal and professional growth.

As mentioned above, I am thankful for the immense support from my mentors at the university who never hesitate to guide me when I seek their advice.

I believe that support offered at the university is commendable, and I encourage students to take the initiative to seek help or access the support services that are available so you also benefit. I found that it is important to make each student aware of what is available to them, and that seeking help is perfectly normal.

What’s a typical day like for you during the trimester?

Honestly speaking, my typical day during the trimester is filled with so many things to do. I try to divide my day into segments and ensure that I give my best effort wherever I am.

I wake up and struggle through morning lectures, but I accept that I am not a morning person. Anyway, it’s lectures and then you will find me checking emails in the library and catching up on lecture materials.

Most of the time I am on campus, figuring out any events or activities that are happening so that I can join them. After the day ends, I would generally pick up a snack from any of the eateries and find my way home.

Back at home, you’ll find me in the kitchen as I love to cook. As bedtime is close, I prepare mentally for the next day, do my daily night skin care, meditation and sleep.

What do you love about living in Queensland?

I haven’t explored Australia yet but living in Queensland is amazing. I love the weather here on Gold Coast. People here are relaxed, which makes it easy to adapt and feel comfortable. In addition to its famous coastline, Queensland’s inland areas like the Gold Coast hinterland offer scenic beauty. I do a lot of exploring to make the most of where I am studying. The Gold Coast is very diverse, as a lot of international students come here. Therefore, you can interact with people from different cultural cohorts and learn to work with them.

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